Boundary Commission report kick-starts local election race for enhanced council seats

By Tony Galvin THE race for the newly enlarged Galway Co Council gets underway in earnest this week. All aspiring candidates now have copies of the Boundary Committee report which outlines how the changes will impact on the five electoral areas which make up Galway Co Council. As expected, County Hall will host nine extra members, bringing the total of councillors to be elected next summer to 39. With the abolition of three Town Councils, Tuam, Ballinasloe and Loughrea, and the creation of a new area tier, there is expected to be intense competition for seats on the Co Council as members of the abolished authorities vie to keep their political careers alive by transferring to county level. The most significant change, apart from the nine extra members, is the creation of a new â€Ëœdual mandateâ€â„¢ which will see councillors serve at local and county level. There is also the creation of a new Oranmore-Athenry area. This will involve taking a significant chunk of territory centred on Athenry from the existing Loughrea Area and transferring it to the new entity.[private] Under the new system the Tuam Area will have two extra seats, bringing the total up to nine. Connemara also increases by two to nine based on an approximate population of 40,000 in each area. Ballinasloe goes from five to six and Loughrea from seven to eight to compensate for the loss of their Town Councils. The current four-seat Oranmore will become the seven-seat Oranmore-Athenry, reflecting the huge population increase in both areas in recent years. Political strategists in the main parties are already warning of the dangers of a feeding frenzy among candidates and the dangers of cancelling out their vote by crowding the tickets. With so much at state the internecine feuding and jockeying for party nominations has already begun, made even more lively by the desire to keep the party tickets tight. Strategists are all too well aware of how easy it is to lose a seat by diluting the vote with too many candidates. Some observers feel the expect surge of independents will suit the main party candidates as they will dilute the vote considerably, leaving a large pool of transfers to be divided up by the better organised candidates. Sitting candidates will not welcome the imposition of running mates but judging by initial reactions to the report, most are happy enough and consider the findings fair in the main. The Boundary Committee has recommended that â€Å“in the interests of electoral, community and geographic coherence,â€Â the boundary for the current Connemara local electoral area should be unchanged and that nine members be assigned to this electoral area. Along with Athenry joining with Oranmore, Ryehill and Monivea are to move from Ballinasloe to the new Tuam area. Derrew, Kilquain and Tiernascragh in the Portumna area will be moved from the Ballinasloe to the new Loughrea local electoral area. The review committee feel that these charges provide for more coherent boundaries between the new local electoral areas of Ballinasloe, Loughrea, Athenry-Oranmore and Tuam. Galway City and County Councils are to remain separate entities despite original speculation that the two would be merged into an enlarged body to administer the entire county as in the cases of Limerick City and Limerick County, North Tipperary and South Tipperary, Waterford City and Waterford County. Under the new system each of the 39 councillors elected next year will hold a dual mandate. They will sit on Galway Co Council and also on their respective Municipal Councils. So a member for the Tuam area will represent the county at County Hall level and carry out an enhanced local representatives role on the Tuam Municipal District Council. Main Points â€Â¢ There will be a single county-wide administrative operational structure but the elected members will decide relevant matters at district and county levels, respectively. It is promised that there will be no duplication or overlapping of functions. â€Â¢ The elected members will perform a substantial range of â€Å“reservedâ€Â functions at district level on a fully devolved basis, including: a local policy regulatory role in areas such as planning, roads, traffic, housing, environmental services, recreation, amenity and community development; formal civic functions; a general representational and oversight role; and community engagement. Definitive allocation of functions will be decided in the context of legislation. â€Â¢ The division of functions between county and district levels will be decided by what is most relevant to each level. Local matters will be dealt with at district level while those of wider strategic application will be dealt with at county level. For example, the members will adopt rates and development plans at county level, but local area plans and bye-laws at district level. This is considered a significant improvement as under the current system members frequently have to sit through lengthy debates on plans which are only relevant to those representing that particular area. Most sitting members will be relieved at this reform. â€Â¢ At district level there will be requirements such as consistency with county policy, but also power to delegate additional functions to district level. â€Â¢ Detailed financial arrangements and procedures between district and county levels will be developed in the context of relevant legislation and new local government funding arrangements. Based on 2011 census findings the population of Co Galway, excluding 75,000 in the city, is 175,124. On average there will be a councillor for every 4,490 of population. Three additional seats have been allocated to compensate for the abolition of the three Town Council and the six additional seats are to reflect populating increase. Tuam Abbey East, Abbey West, Addergoole, Annaghdown, Ballinastack, Ballinderry, Ballinduff, Ballymoe, Ballynakill, Ballynapark, Beaghmore, Belclare, Boyounagh, Carrownagur, Carrowrevagh, Claretuam, Clonbern, Cloonkeen, Cooloo, Creggs, Cummer, Curraghmore, Donaghpatrick, Doonbally, Dunmore North, Dunmore South, Foxhall, Glenamaddy, Headford, Hillsbrook, Island, Kilbennan, Kilcoona, Kilcroan, Killeany, Killeen, Killererin, Killower, Killursa, Kilmoylan, Kilshanvy, Kiltullagh, Lavally, Milltown, Monivea, Moyne, Raheen, Ryehill, Scregg, Shankill, Templetogher, Toberadosh, Toberroe, Tuam Rural and Tuam Urban. Athenry â€â€œ Oranmore Carnmore, Athenry, Aughrim, Ballintemple, Claregalway, Ballynacourty, Belleville, Cappalusk, Ceathru? an Bhru?naigh, Clarinbridge, Cloonkeen, Deerpark, Eanach Dhu?in, Graigabbey, Greethill, Leacach Beag, Liscananaun, Lisi?n an Bhealaigh, Oranmore, Stradbally and Tiaquin (Gurteen). Ballinasloe Ahascragh, Annagh, Aughrim, Ballinasloe Rural, Ballinasloe Urban, Ballymacward, Ballynakill, Caltra, Castleblakeney, Castleffrench, Clonbrock, Clonfert, Clontuskert, Cloonkeen, Colmanstown, Derryglassaun, Eyrecourt, Grange, Kellysgrove, Kilconnell, Killaan, Killallaghtan, Killeroran, Killian, Killimor, Killoran, Killure, Kilmacshane, Kiltormer, Kylemore, Laurencetown, Lismanny, Meelick, Mount Bellew, Mounthazel, Oatfield and Taghboy. Loughrea Abbeygormacan, Abbeyville, Aille, Ardamullivan, Ardrahan, Ballycahalan, Ballyglass, Ballynagar, Beagh, Bracklagh, Bullaun, Cahermore, Cappard, Castleboy, Castletaylor, Coos, Craughwell, Derrew, Derrylaur, Doorus, Drumacoo, Drumkeary, Drummin, Gort, Kilbeacanty, Kilchreest, Kilconickny, Kilconierin, Killeely, Killeenavarra, Killimor, Killinny, Killogilleen, Kilmalinoge, Kilmeen, Kilquain, Kilreekill, Kiltartan, Kilteskill, Kilthomas, Kiltullagh, Kinvarra, Lackalea, Leitrim, Loughatorick, Loughrea Rural, Loughrea Urban, Marblehill, Moat, Mountain, Moyode, Pallas, Portumna, Raford, Rahasane, Skehanagh, Tiranascragh, Tynagh and Woodford. Connemara Abhainn Ghabhla, An Chorr, An Cnoc Buí, An Crompán, An Fhairche, An Ros, An Spidéal, An Turlach, An Uillinn, ÃÂrainn, Ballynakill, Bearna, Binn an Choire, Bunowen, Camas, Cill Aithniín, Cill Chuimín, Cleggan, Clifden, Cloch na Rón, Conga, Cushkillary, Derrycunlagh, Derrylea, Doonloughan, Errislannan, Galway Rural (part), Garmna, Inishbofin, Kilcummin, Leitir Breacáin, Leitir Móir, Letterfore, Maigh Cuilinn, Maíros, Na Forbacha, Oughterard, Rinvyle, Sailearna, Scainimh, Sillerna, Sliabh an Aonaigh, Tulaigh Mhic Aodhaáin and Wormhole. [/private]