Getting it down on paper
FOR someone who lives by the pen, writing a feature on a pen club might appear akin to a busman’s holiday. Not a bit of it. Just last week I was the guest of Tuam Pen Club at their first Thursday of the month meeting, and to say I left impressed would be an understatement.
Impressed and envious of the welcoming creative cocoon they have established, one where writers can, in confidence, entrust their innermost thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams, heartaches and regrets to their club colleagues, safe in the knowledge that they will receive only support, encouragement and understanding.
Some people pay a fortune to therapists for such a luxury; here it comes free with the joy of experiencing their written words released from the cage of the page and shared as they are meant to be by others.
Tuam Pen Club was founded way back in 2001 by George and Marie Henry, and Kitty Monaghan was one of the first to join. It would be difficult to define a typical member as they come from such diverse backgrounds but what all have in common is the love of writing
Read the full feature in this week's edition.