Donnacha Miskell sells one of his lemonades for the GSPCA. Photo; Ray Ryan

Demand to adopt dogs is ‘manic’ say Galway shelters

TWO of Galway’s main dog sanctuaries have been inundated by people wanting to adopt or foster a dog since the coronavirus pandemic started.
The Galway Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, GSPCA, told The Tuam Herald that the demand has been “absolutely manic” while a spokesperson for MADRA in Connemara told of a big surge in people eager to foster dogs in recent months.
Fundraising for both the animal welfare charities has been significantly impacted by Covid-19 restrictions. They also fear that their services in rescuing dogs will see a surge in a few months’ time when people return to usual working hours.
An animal-loving seven-year-old in Tuam has raised over 400 to help care for rescued animals from around Galway.
Donnacha Miskell spent a sunny afternoon last week selling freshly made lemonade from his home in Millstream Park.
Read the full story in this week's edition of The Tuam Herald, on sale in shops and online