WORK at the site likely to take up to two years. Photo: Ray Ryan

Excavation of Mother and Baby site may begin in New Year

Residents will be consulted

EXCAVATION works at the site of the former Tuam Mother and Baby Home are expected to begin early in the New Year.

Tenders are now being sought that will enable premlinary works to be carried out at the site on the Dublin Road.

Director of Authorised Intervention, Tuam Daniel Mac Sweeney told The Tuam Herald that “all going well” these necessary surveys and technical investigations can start by September/October.

He said if nothing unexpected is discovered, it’s anticipated that excavation works and the recovery of remains at the site could “hopefully” begin in January-February 2025. The task is likely to take up to two years.

“We only have one chance to do this, and we have to get it right"

Mr Mac Sweeney, who is just over a year in his new role, stressed that nothing will be done without consultation with residents in Tuam. Information on how this discussion and engagement will happen will be shared over the coming weeks.

“We aim to give every opportunity for people to talk to us,” stated Mr Mac Sweeney, who added that the informal conversations he’s had with residents and the community in Tuam have been “positive and supportive”.

“We only have one chance to do this, and we have to get it right,” he remarked.

Samples of DNA from vulnerable people with connections to the site are continuing to be taken and it’s hoped that this will be opened up to wider groups over the coming months.

Mr Mac Sweeney pointed out that “it won’t be easy to identify remains, even if they have the necessary DNA” given that the remains are located in such a damp environment, and many are intermingled.

Read more on this story in next Wednesday’s Tuam Herald.