Cunniffe may be on way back to County Hall

WITH only ten of the 47 Tuam Local Electoral Area boxes tallied, the initial indications are that former Councillor Shaun Cunniffe is in with a strong chance of making a return to County Hall.

Cunniffe, who decided to join Independent Ireland, has been polling strongly in the boxes in his home town. It’s understood that he has nearly doubled his ground in the town compared to his 2019 tally performance.

Fianna Fáil’s Donagh Killilea is also looking to have gained in the town boxes.

However, there will be disappointment in the Independent Karey McHugh Farag camp as the tallies show that she isn’t getting as high a vote as hoped.

She will be more likely to pick up votes from outlying areas, than perhaps Cunniffe, and it’s too early to predict if her seat is in danger until more boxes are looked at.

All of the nine town boxes area tallied with Cunniffe getting over a quarter of the first preferences. McHugh Farag and Killilea are on similar figures – between 15-16 per cent.

Sinn Féin’s Stiofan De Lundres O Dalaigh, who is based in Tuam, has managed about six per cent of town boxes with his campaigners saying they had hoped for a stronger town vote.

Fine Gael ran three candidates and it’s no surprise that so far Pete Roche is polling the strongest. Again, a better picture will be available as the tallies continue.

Newcomer Ollie Turner who ran for Fine Gael hasn’t had any impact in the town and The Tuam Herald understands that in Milltown, the broadcaster was outpolled by sitting Cllr Joe Sheridan of Fianna Fáil.

Votes for Connemara North and Gort-Kinvara are currently being counted in the Galway Lawn Tennis Club.