SINGER-songwriter Kathleen Keenan. Photo: Ray Ryan

Overcoming adversity to make it in the music world

Kathleen’s dream has come true with her first album launch

By Patrick Flaherty

She may not be a native of Co Galway, but someone who has fully embraced the sham lifestyle of Tuam and is eager to become the next local superstar is singer-songwriter Kathleen Keenan.

The Clare-woman, who is a member of the Travelling community, is slowly trying to build a name for herself in the Irish country music scene. Having worked with the likes of Daniel O’Donnell and local song hero Padraig Stevens, she has plenty of big stars praising her talents.

Speaking to The Tuam Herald in the lead up to the launch of her first album, Beautiful Angels, the 32-year-old spoke about her humble beginnings and how they helped shape her love of all things musical.

“There were eight of us kids growing up, plus my parents, so we had ten of us living on the side of the road until I was nine,” Keenan recalled.

“When you are listening to someone at a family gathering and there is a singsong, while other children might’ve been running away, I was just sitting there in awe of these older people singing, thinking ‘I would love to be like you one day’.”

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