How secure is your data?
Combating crime from the comfort of a desk in Mountbellew
15 CHARACTERS and a line from a song or a poem.
It can be the ideal make-up to a password for an online account, whether that be for your Fantasy Football team or Ticketmaster.
It is important to keep your sensitive information safe because cybercrime has become a highly profitable pursuit for would hackers. In 2020, cybercrime cost the Irish economy some €9.6billion, according to a report from Grant Thornton.
Cybercrime is now the third largest global economy after the US and China, and is expected to be an eye-watering $10.5trillion industry by 2025. Big business.
“The pandemic absolutely escalated the cyberattacks,” offered Aoife Noone, a cyber security expert from the Gurteen-Ballymacward area, and owner of Noone Cyber Services…
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