Definite line of enquiry following tuam pharmacy burglaries
By Tom Gilmore
GARDAI are understood to be close to be making an arrest regarding break-ins at two pharmacies and a doctor’s surgery in Tuam last week.
The raids took place in the early hours of last Tuesday morning at Leo’s Pharmacy, The Square, Gleeson’s Pharmacy, Vicar Street and Dr Seamus Cunningham’s surgery, on Dublin Road. It is suspected that whoever was involved may have been searching for drugs.
Damage was caused to Leo’s Pharmacy which had its large windows smashed and at Gleeson’s Pharmacy where a window was removed. However, not much was taken.
Around the same time of these burglaries, Dr Cunningham’s surgery was also hit. Entry was gained through a window but Gardai don’t believe that anything of significance was taken here either. Gardai feel that all three incidents are connected
Gardai have been viewing CCTV footage from a number of premises in the town in their investigations.
Tuam Gardai say that while no arrests have yet been made they are following a definite line of enquiry.