2011 Triathlon super-event scoop for Spiddal — and the Connemara economy!

IRISH TRIATHLON have announced that An Spidéal will host an Olympic Triathlon on May 21st next. While swimming in the Atlantic is a long way from thoughts in the current cold weather, Spiddal's beach will soon be the start for the Triathlon Swim. The Triathlon is the brainchild of Spiddal sisters Bairbre Brooke and Libhin Nic Gabhann of Boluisce restaurant, to attract extra tourists into the area as well as showcasing County Galway's beauty. Bairbre says: 'We have a great venue here and by really promoting the pre-race training days as well as the Triathlon itself we're aiming to make this a full season of sport for the County that will help local businesses'. Commenting at the launch, the Irish Triathlon director, Brian Crinion said: 'Triathlon has become a real destination sport for the majority of competitors who are aged 25 to 40. This is where Galway really stands out. Starting the swim on a Blue Flag beach looking out at the Aran islands, cycling through scenic Connemara and running through Spiddal village, this will be a picture postcard race for competitors and spectators.' It is expected that there will be a large entry from both the Tuam based Tri-Lakes Triathlon Club and Predator Triathlon Club. All eyes in the Triathlon world will be focused on Galway next September for the Ironman 70.3 triathlon. But the long running Carna triathlon and the Galway city based Tri3 will not be happening in 2011, so there is a real opening for Spiddal as competitors look for a Galway Triathlon before the Ironman 70.3 triathlon. Beginners will complete the Sprint distance triathlon, which consists of a 750m swim, a 20km cycle and will finish with a 5km run.  The more experience competitors will complete the Olympic distance of 1500m swim, 40km cycle and 10km run. Free training sessions on the course run by Tri-Planet, will take place in March, April & May leading up to race day on the 21st of May. The aim is to make this the ideal triathlon for beginners and this is who the training sessions will be geared towards. And given that the Spiddal triathlon is early in the triathlon season, the Sprint Triathlon could easily become bigger than the more ambitious Olympic Triathlon. For more information on the Spiddal Triathlon, check out www.galwaytriathlon.com or for more about the Triathlon scene in Ireland look up www.irishtriathlon.com